Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Ultimate Creepers

Great day! First of all Lindsay and I didn't have work, so we were already happy to start the day! We got up late, got ready, and headed off to central park with our blanket and headphones in tow.
We sat in the beautiful warm sun away from all the buildings and honking. I don't think it gets better than that in the city. Here we creeped on an incredibly harry man in a speedo......ewww.....That's just to start out our day.

Then Lindsay said "we need shakes from Johnny Rockets!" Well of course we did! So off we went!
Our waiter was so nice. Him and I even had matching sun glasses! We became fast friends. Until Lindsay decided to drop her water all over our table. Our waiter just had us move to a different table. Haha!! We creeped on him and now we have a new waiter scale!!!
Lindsay: "How creepy is your waiter on a scale from one to Adam?"
Hahahaha! Adam was our nice waiter from Little Italy who gave us free food-and is incredibly creepy.
We were there for a few hours.

Next was back home! Here we played on the internet and tried to not think of going to work on monday. We needed to get out!
Off to Times Square we go!
We had to wait till it got dark so all of the lights would be fantastic. It was beautiful in a weird, grungy-city way...
We got our humongous Jamba Juices and walked over to the Red Steps. We were there for two hours basically laughing our heads off the entire time. Heres how it goes.

First there were millions of people. Millions! And you will not believe how many times you will get hit in the head with a bag while sitting on those steps. Then there was the bride. Oh don't worry. I creeped hard core. I thought her dress was gorgeous and it was so strange to be in times square with millions of people at 9 at night with your entire wedding party on your wedding night. Weird. They came up the stairs and were just one step down from us taking pictures. With millions of strangers in their pictures. Classy....
Then came the two incredibly hot gay men. They sat right next to Lindsay. Right next to her. And the one guy kept staring over at us. We were loud and laughing hard anyways-because we can-and so he was probably looking at us for that, but then everytime he looked over we would make eye contact and then it was even more awkward so we would laugh even more and then it became even more awkward. So we creeped on them for quite a while. Until they left and then we were very sad.

But then. Ultimate!
Three 50 year old asian men came over and were saying something about "for us" and pointing at the camera. So I say sure! We will take a picture for you! And they say "ok, ok"
Then 2 of the guys sit on either side of us and wrap-really wrap!- their arms around us as we are laughing our heads off! Then the other guys snaps like 6 pictures of us. Then they get up and say "Thank you! Thank you!" And told us we were "very pretty" multiple times. We are now famous in asia. Who knew?!

By now it was definitely time to head home. And so we took our lovely subway ride back to the east side.

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