Monday, May 21, 2012

First day of The Office.

So today was the big day! The first day of the internship.

And of course today it had to be pouring. Pouring rain so that my pants were soaked up to my knees. Cool.

I had my mom walk me to work! We had bonding time. Thanks mom!
And in the most awkward way ever I finally made it up to the office on the 10th floor.
You get to the top and the elevator door opens and then there are 3 different doors that say Vicente Wolf Associates on them. Bad news. SO lets pick door number 2! I ring the bell and wait....Wrong! A janitor walks out of door number 3 and says, "Oh! You want this door." Thank you Mr. Janitor Man! I walk in and hope someone finds me. My dear friend Maureen - who I have been emailing- comes to my rescue.

I get a great tour of the office. It has great big windows, but the office is a lot smaller than I was expecting. I don't really know what I was expecting, but I don't think this was it. On the far side of the office was a conference room where they have client meetings. There is even a separate hallway that leads specifically to the conference room so that clients don't have to walk through the entire office. (previously mentioned- door number two.) Then they have another office and then Maureen's office. She is the woman! Then there is the designer section. There are Vicente Wolf, 4 other designers and then me. My desk is kind of in the middle of it all. And then at the back there is the Material/Resource/Storage/Break/Lunch room. Good room.

Today I started out by cutting out tiny pieces of fabric and stapling them onto the POs for an entire residence. That was a lot of fabric! I only got halfway through and then the big boss pulled me away to do work for him. He gave me a floor plan that wasn't scaled. We scanned it in. Put the Jpeg in CAD and then attempted to scale it from there. Then I had to go over the entire floor and redraw it in CAD because they didn't have the original file. I have to finish that up and then start on the second floor tomorrow.

At least I am staying busy! It nice to have things to do. It was a long day though. I hope tomorrow goes a little better and I start figuring out how to do things. One day down....a lot to go.

Best purchase of the day

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